Varietes – variety in art


New take. Young art from Hungary


New take. Young art from Hungary

      Once again splendid spaces of InterHouse Hotel will be a host of art exhibition. This time it's going to be an international event. Will be shown artworks by talented artists...


Young Hungary Art Exhibition


Young Hungary Art Exhibition

  In the Pavilon A-0 (University of Science and Technology) during the Synestezje Festival we are pleased to announce an exhibition of works by talented Hungarian artists: Zsuzsa Sedah Mathe, Matyas...


Happy Easter!


Happy Easter!

A very Happy Easter to everyone! May it be full of happiness, family moments and real beauty   Varietes Art Gallery


Object of the week

angelika-galus-kwiaty Fullarton_Expanding Symmetry_int

Angelika Galus, Flowers, 2018, oil, canvas

Mike Fullarton, Expanding Symmetry

About us

Variétés Gallery was established as a protest against flattening of pop culture. In our opinion mass-media often only scratch the surface of high culture by promoting the works without meaning, form and content – works for which the only reason of existence is to be caricature or to make a scandal.

By exhibiting Polish art, we would like to show that ART it’s not a sophisticated decoration for upper classes, but it could be an interesting alternative in financial investments, an element of everyman’s life and a great journey.

With sharing our experience in the art market and knowledge of Polish art, we would like to make ART more popular and exciting for everyone.